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TypeScript Client SDK

Getting Started with Calimero SDK for Typescript​

Our TypeScript Client SDK is a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of interacting with decentralized peer-to-peer applications installed on the node.

Install the SDK using npm:

npm install @calimero-network/calimero-client

Core Components​

The TypeScript Client SDK consists of several key components:

1. RpcClient (JsonRpcClient)​

Handles communication with the node's RPC server for executing queries and mutations.

2. SubscriptionsClient (WsSubscriptionsClient)​

Manages WebSocket connections for real-time updates and event subscriptions.

3. HttpClient (AxiosHttpClient)​

Provides HTTP communication capabilities for admin API interactions.

4. Authentication Components​

  • AccessTokenWrapper: Manages JWT token lifecycle
  • ClientLogin: Handles user authentication flow
  • SetupModal: Configures node URL and application settings

5. Storage Utilities​

Manages local storage for:

  • Access tokens
  • Refresh tokens
  • Application URLs
  • Context identities

Authentication Setup​

1. Client Login Component​

import { ClientLogin } from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

const LoginPage = () => {
return (
getNodeUrl={() => process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}
getApplicationId={() => process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPLICATION_ID}
successRedirect={() => navigate('/dashboard')}

2. Token Management​

import { AccessTokenWrapper } from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

const App = () => {
return (
getNodeUrl={() => process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}
<YourApp />

3. Initial Setup​

import { SetupModal } from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

const Setup = () => {
return (
successRoute={() => navigate('/dashboard')}
getNodeUrl={() => localStorage.getItem('nodeUrl')}
setNodeUrl={(url) => localStorage.setItem('nodeUrl', url)}
getApplicationId={() => localStorage.getItem('appId')}
setApplicationId={(id) => localStorage.setItem('appId', id)}

4. Token Storage​

import {
} from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

// Store tokens

// Retrieve tokens
const accessToken = getAccessToken();
const refreshToken = getRefreshToken();

// Clear tokens on logout

Using RpcClient​

Important: Always use the execute method instead of deprecated query or mutate methods.

import { JsonRpcClient } from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

// Initialize client
const rpcClient = new JsonRpcClient(

// Define interfaces
interface CreatePost {
title: string;
text: string;

interface Post {
id: string;
title: string;
text: string;

// Execute a method
const response = await rpcClient.execute<CreatePost, Post>({
applicationId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPLICATION_ID,
method: 'create_post',
argsJson: {
title: 'My First Post',
text: 'Hello Calimero!',

Using SubscriptionsClient​

import { WsSubscriptionsClient } from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

// Initialize client
const wsClient = new WsSubscriptionsClient(

// Connect to WebSocket
await wsClient.connect();

// Subscribe to application events

// Handle incoming events
wsClient.addCallback((event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case 'StateMutation':
console.log('State updated:',;
case 'ExecutionEvent':

// Cleanup

Contract API Integration​

import { ContractApiDataSource } from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

const contractApi = new ContractApiDataSource(httpClient);

// Get proposals
const proposals = await contractApi.getContractProposals();

// Get proposal details
const details = await contractApi.getProposalDetails(proposalId);

// Get number of approvals
const approvals = await contractApi.getNumberOfApprovals(proposalId);

Error Handling​

interface ErrorResponse {
code?: number;
message: string;

try {
const result = await rpcClient.execute(params);
if (result.error) {
if (result.error.code === 401) {
// Handle authentication error
console.error('RPC Error:', result.error.message);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Unexpected error:', error);

Admin API Endpoints​

Protected Endpoints (Requires Authentication)​

Application Management​

  • POST /admin-api/root-key - Create root key
  • POST /admin-api/install-application - Install application
  • POST /admin-api/uninstall-application - Uninstall application
  • GET /admin-api/applications - List applications
  • GET /admin-api/applications/:app_id - Get application details

Context Management​

  • POST /admin-api/contexts - Create context
  • GET /admin-api/contexts - List contexts
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id - Get context details
  • DELETE /admin-api/contexts/:context_id - Delete context
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/users - Get context users
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/client-keys - Get context client keys
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/storage - Get context storage
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/identities - Get context identities
  • POST /admin-api/contexts/invite - Invite to context
  • POST /admin-api/contexts/join - Join context

Identity Management​

  • POST /admin-api/identity/context - Generate context identity
  • DELETE /admin-api/identity/keys - Delete auth keys
  • POST /admin-api/generate-jwt-token - Generate JWT token
  • GET /admin-api/did - Fetch DID
  • DELETE /admin-api/did - Delete DID

Alias Management​

Create routes​
POST /admin-api/alias/create/context
"alias": "string",
"value": {
"contextId": "ContextId"
  • Generate context identity
POST /admin-api/alias/create/identity/{context_id}
"alias": "string",
"value": {
"identity": "PublicKey"
  • Creates an alias for an identity within a specific context.
POST /admin-api/alias/create/application
"alias": "string",
"value": {
"applicationId": "ApplicationId"
  • Creates an alias for an application ID.
Lookup routes​
  • POST /admin-api/alias/lookup/context/:name - Generate context identity
  • POST /admin-api/alias/lookup/application/:name - Generate context identity
  • POST /admin-api/alias/lookup/identity/:context/:name - Generate context identity
Delete routes​
  • POST /admin-api/alias/delete/context/:name - Generate context identity
  • POST /admin-api/alias/delete/application/:name - Generate context identity
  • POST /admin-api/alias/delete/identity/:context/:name - Generate context identity

Unprotected Endpoints​


  • GET /admin-api/health - Health check
  • GET /admin-api/certificate - Get certificate
  • POST /admin-api/request-challenge - Request challenge
  • POST /admin-api/add-client-key - Add client key
  • POST /admin-api/refresh-jwt-token - Refresh JWT token

Proposal Management​

  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proposals/:proposal_id/approvals/count - Get proposal approvals count
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proposals/:proposal_id/approvals/users - Get proposal approvers
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proposals/count - Get active proposals count
  • POST /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proposals - Get proposals
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proposals/:proposal_id - Get proposal details
  • POST /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proposals/get-context-value - Get context value
  • POST /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proposals/context-storage-entries - Get context storage entries
  • GET /admin-api/contexts/:context_id/proxy-contract - Get proxy contract

Using Admin API​

Any endpoints not exposed throught the SDK you can use like this:

import { AxiosHttpClient } from '@calimero-network/calimero-client';

const httpClient = new AxiosHttpClient(axios);

// Example: Get context details
const contextDetails = await httpClient.get<ContextDetails>(

// Example: Create context
const createContext = await<ContextResponse>(

Important Notes​

  1. Always use the execute method for RPC calls instead of deprecated query or mutate
  2. Implement proper error handling for both RPC and WebSocket operations
  3. Ensure proper cleanup of WebSocket connections when they're no longer needed
  4. Store sensitive information securely using the provided storage utilities
  5. Use the built-in token refresh mechanism to maintain sessions
  6. All protected endpoints require valid JWT authentication
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