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Desktop App

Calimero Node Manager Desktop app is a simple desktop application that allows you to manage and interact with Calimero nodes without needing any technical knowledge.

Download and Install the App​

  1. Go to the Calimero Node Manager download page.
  2. Select the latest version and download the app for your machine from the assets list:

Download and run the installer. Follow the instructions to install the app.

NOTE: Supported OS

  • Linux: Works on modern distributions like Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian (64-bit systems)
  • Mac: Supports macOS for both Intel and Apple Silicon Supported

Key Features​

  • Initialize Node: Create and initialize a new node with specified parameters.
  • Update Node: Modify the configuration of an existing node.
  • Start Node: Start a specified node.
  • Stop Node: Stop a running node.
  • Get Node Log: Retrieve the log file for a specified node.
  • Delete Node: Remove a specified node from the application.
  • Open Dashboard: Open the admin dashboard for a specified node.

If you'd like to run the app locally or contribute to its development, you can access the source code on our GitHub repository: Node Multiplatform Tauri

Feel free to explore, fork the repository, and contribute by submitting pull requests or reporting issues.

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