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Create Context

Initialize node

merod --node-name node1 init --server-port 2428 --swarm-port 2528

Node configuration file contains protocol defined metadata.


Run node

merod --node-name node1 run

Wait for a few moments and node logs should appear.

Node running

When you see something like this that means that node is now ready for use.

Create a New Context

meroctl --node-name node1 context create --watch <application_path> --protocol near
  • --watch flag enables watching for changes of wasm files and updating context with the new version
  • --protocol flag specifies the protocol to use for the context
  • --as flag creates an alias for your identity in your context, you can use it instead of the PublicKey

You have now created a new context.

To create an alias for this context, use:

context alias add my_context <context_id>

Next step is to invite users to join your context. Continue with invitations and joinings.

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