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Create Context

Initialize node​

merod --node-name node1 init --server-port 2428 --swarm-port 2528

A --protocol flag defines which chain will be used in the node context. NEAR is default protocol so it doesn't need to be specified. List of supported protocols can be found in the Blockchains integration

Node configuration file contains protocol defined metada.


Run node​

merod --node-name node1 run

Wait for a few moments and node logs should appear.

Node running

When you see something like this that means that node is now ready for use.

Create a New Context​

meroctl --node-name node1 context create --watch <application_path>

--watch flag enables watching for changes of wasm files and updating context with the new version.

You have now create a new context. Next step is to invite users to join your context. Continue with invitations and joinings.

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