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Install application

We have created simple and easy to use example application called only-peers. Application enables writing posts and leaving comments. To try out application you need to create new context where application will be installed.

Create new context

To create new context, node CLI has to be used.

If the node doesn't have application installed, you need to install the application first. If the application is already installed, you can skip this step.

meroctl --node-name node1 app install --path /path/to/app

If you want to install an application that is published in the registry, check meroctl --node-name node1 app install -h for options

After the application is installed, you can create new context:

meroctl --node-name node1 context create --application-id <app-id> --protocol near

You are now part of the context and can start using the application.

Try out Only-peers application

We have built and deployed a demo app so you can try it out immediately.

Navigate to to access app frontend.

You will be asked to setup the app by the adding the node url. It is the same url you used while starting the node in Getting-started http://localhost:NODE_PORT After setting up node url, you will be asked to login.

NOTE: Use your wallet which you have already added as root key in Admin Dashboard

You are now ready to use the app. Enjoy!

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